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How it Works

Info Tiles can be shown either on the start page or a card in the Web Client.

When the Info Tiles are loaded, a filter is run in the background and the number of interest derived from that filter (a sum or a count) is shown as a Tile. For example, the filter might be Won deals this month and the Tile could be configured to show the sum of the value of all deals matching that filter.

An Administrator in Lime CRM will set up which Info Tiles that should be shown and specify their properties. It is possible to exclude some Info Tiles from showing on smaller screens (smartphones) if the Lime CRM users have different needs when working from a phone. More configuration possibilities are described here.

Using Filters

Info Tiles are based on predefined filters in the table view of the Web Client. An Administrator can create or modify filters that can then be used for an Info Tile. There is no limitation in which filters that may be used. As long as they are saved they are valid for Info Tile usage.